_profiterole_ wrote in self_published Feb 21, 2022 17:53
central pairing: m/m, author: kay claire, part of a series, type: rec, title: all roads lead to this, genre: romance, series: leads to this, available: kindle, rep: trans
_profiterole_ wrote in self_published Feb 10, 2022 17:48
central pairing: m/m/f, part of a series, type: rec, genre: romance, title: deception, author: naomi aoki, series: nagoya crimes, available: kindle
_profiterole_ wrote in self_published Feb 06, 2022 17:53
title: lunar new love, type: rec, author: ophelia silk, available: kindle unlimited, genre: romance, central pairing: nb/nb, standalone novel, available: kindle
_profiterole_ wrote in self_published Nov 25, 2021 15:56
central pairing: m/m, part of a series, author: em lindsey, title: renegades, type: rec, available: audiobook, available: paperback, available: kindle unlimited, genre: romance, series: breaking the rules, available: kindle
_profiterole_ wrote in self_published Sep 29, 2021 13:52
author: katia rose, central pairing: f/f, type: rec, genre: contemporary, available: paperback, genre: romance, title: catch and cradle, rep: non-binary, standalone novel, available: kindle
_profiterole_ wrote in self_published Jul 09, 2021 13:52
central pairing: m/m, type: rec, genre: suspense, title: the one that got away, available: paperback, genre: romance, author: nicky james, standalone novel, available: kindle
_profiterole_ wrote in self_published May 09, 2021 13:50
central pairing: m/m, type: rec, title: love me whole, available: audiobook, available: paperback, genre: romance, author: nicky james, standalone novel, available: kindle
_profiterole_ wrote in self_published Mar 20, 2021 14:04
central pairing: m/m, title: finding joy, type: rec, available: audiobook, available: paperback, genre: romance, standalone novel, available: kindle
_profiterole_ wrote in self_published Oct 16, 2019 13:52
genre: fantasy, central pairing: m/m, part of a series, genre: lgbt+, author: rowan altwood, type: rec, available: audiobook, available: paperback, author: kelley york, genre: romance, genre: ghosts/paranormal, title: dark is the night, available: kindle, pov: male
nemophilist wrote in self_published Jul 23, 2019 23:53
genre: drama, central pairing: m/m, author: rebecca crunden, part of a series, genre: action/adventure, series: the outlands, genre: dystopian, available: paperback, genre: romance, central pairing: m/f, pov: male, available: kindle, pov: female, genre: science fiction, title: a time of prophecy